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Stillmeadows Homeowners Association
Architectural Review

Changes to the exterior of your home require approval from the HOA Architectural Review committee. Below are some general guidelines regarding approvals but each individual case will be reviewed and variances may be approved:
Fence: Fences must be 6' wood stockade style. Sections with an 8' height or metal (not chain link) may be approved in special situations. Please submit a quote and renderings. 
Shingles: The covenants from the early phases to the late phases vary slightly with shingle requirements. As a result, the HOA has made a rule to allow shingles in all areas to be handled equally. All shingles must be composite and be WEATHERED WOOD or GRAY in color. The gray may be slate gray, or blended gray. Shingles may be regular or Class 4 impact-resistant. Some examples of colors that are not approved are red, green, or tan. Blended black has been approved in special situations. 
Solar: Solar panels can be added to the back or sides of your home. Frames and materials used should match the roof as much as possible. Please submit a quote and renderings. 
Pool: In ground pools made of concrete (shotcrete or gunite) are allowed. A full quote and renderings are required. We do not approve vinyl liner pools. 
Outbuildings: Storage sheds or buildings should match the color and style of the home and not exceed 9 feet in height. Materials can be brick or wood. Metal or plastic sheds will not be approved except in special circumstances. 
The Architectural Review Submission Form is located in the Documents section. Submit early because it can take up to 30 days for approval.